Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Best Food to Boost Your Health

Are you already doing a conscious effort to improve your health?

Best Food to Boost Your Health

Yup , healthy life and free of pain is the desire of every human being. However , what is man's attempt to live healthier ?. There are several variables that make people healthier, one of them is to maintain your diet .

According to some experts, which I summarize for you , there are some kinds of healthy food choices.

First, Leafy Green
Why leafy green is very important and good for health, the following reasons :
  • Green vegetables are a source of nutrients and containing multivitamins, A, C, E, K, B, minerals and fiber
  • Loaded with chlorophyll . Chlorophyll can help bring energy and oxygen to the cells of the body, so it is important for health .
  • Full of substances that are important enzymes for digestion and support the work of the organs of the body . Green vegetables cooking process will destroy these enzymes . So to get more enzymes substances , eat vegetables raw or steamed .
  • Leafy greens are also rich in iron which is very important especially for vegetarians and women . So, green vegetables is a very good choice for vegetable intake of iron.
  • It has been proven that dark green vegetables contain lots of carotenoids , which is a type of antioxidant that can protect cells from cancer .
  • Vegetables help blood purification, because a lot of the alkali useful for people who live in high pollution areas .
  • Green vegetables are rich in zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, and folic acid.
  • Vegetables hihau improve blood circulation , liver function , gall bladder and kidneys.
  • Vegetables can clear the blockage organs , especially the lungs , by reducing mucus plug .

Second , Flax Seeds
Flaxseed is a blue flowering plant that grows in the meadows in Western Canada , which is rich in oil . Flaxseed oil is a natural oil that is highly recommended source of nutrients needed by the body and is considered the most oil rich in omega 3 .
Linseed oil , sometimes referred denganflax seed oil or linseed oil contains omega - 6 and omega 9 , vitamin B , potassium , lecithin , magnesium , fiber , protein , and zinc and also provides approximately 50 % omega - 3 , more than the content omega 3 is found in fish oil . And of course , without the fishy smell !

Some nutritionists , researchers , and scientists believe that flaxseed oil may be the most important health supplement after multivitamins . Virtually every system in the body can benefit from flax seed oil , including the cardiovascular system , immune system , circulatory system , reproductive system , nervous system , and joints .
How to prepare flax seed , you can grind them in a coffee grinder normal . Then sprinkle one or two tablespoons on your cereal , meatloaf throw , throw into the cake batter , or decorate your next dish yogurt .

Third , Olive Oil
Olive oil is the oil obtained from the olive fruit extract ( olea europaea ), a traditional tree originating from the Mediterranean Basin . Usability is a lot of olive oil , among for cooking , cosmetics , herbal medicine healthcare and soap. Olive oil has a high content of plant-based antioxidants , phenols , prostaglandins , oleaktonal , as well as calcium .

Fourth , Oatmeal
Quaker man said " oatmeal is good for you". It turns out that statement is now true. Oatmeal can kill the cholesterol in your body . 
The presentation, according to nutritionists, grain cooking longer will have greater benefits than cooked instant way .

Fifth , Tea
You who like soda , coffee or alcohol , from now on you should replace it with tea . There is the kind of white tea , black tea , green tea , and antioxidants that will help your body's metabolism .

By the way , are you going to change your eating habits to be healthier ?

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